Postdoc Association

Postdoc Association

The Mission of the Post-Doc Association for the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research is to act as a unified representational body for Post-Doctoral Researchers employed by the MPI-HLR for promoting career support and development.

We aim to accomplish this by:


  • Using elected representatives to communicate with the administration.
  • Organizing interdepartmental and external training events (including invited speakers).
  • Providing a hub for Post-Doc informational resources on the intranet: follow this link to open the intranet
  • Acting as representatives for the MPS PostdocNet which provides additional resources here:


These resources will include but are not limited to:


  • Guest House information/Moving tips (apartment hunting, listings for apartments of soon-to-be-moving-away members etc.)
  • Foreign language resources
  • Information about Bad Nauheim (Shopping, Banks, Doctors, Mobile Carriers)
  • Calendar for events/national holidays (i.e. when stores are closed)


Current Committee Members:




Do you have questions, suggestions, or feedback? Please, let us know!

Postdoc Association Contact

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