Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research welcomes high-ranking delegation from the Indian Consulate General of Frankfurt
A high-ranking delegation from the Indian Consulate General of Frankfurt recently visited the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research.

The delegation, led by Consul General Shri B. S. Mubarak, included Shri Vibha Kant Sharma, Consul for Press, Information & Culture of the Indian Consulate General, Herbert Lang, Member of the Board of the Indo-German Association, and Jagjeet Anders, Indian Cultural Mediator. They were accompanied by Bad Nauheim's mayor, Klaus Kress, and the head of city marketing, Harald Hock.

Photo (Heil)
Matthias Heil, Head of Administration at the MPI, welcomed the delegation together with the two Indian scientists Mridula Balakrishnan and Savita Pradeepkumar Gupta. After an introduction to the history of the institute and a tour of the historical premises, the researchers presented their scientific projects. Mubarak, himself a marine biologist, was very interested. Balakrishnan and Gupta, who both work as young scientists in the field of developmental biology and are conducting research on the zebrafish model, presented the institute's aquarium facility to the visitors. Countless zebrafish are housed in more than 7000 tanks. The aim of research at the institute is to investigate the development of organs and in particular the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Zebrafish play an important role here as model organisms.
The visit to the institute by the Indian Consul General is no coincidence: Indian scientists have been regularly active at the institute for many years. Around 30 researchers from India are currently working in the Institute's three scientific departments and represent the second largest non-German staff group at the Institute after the Chinese scientists.