Living in Bad Nauheim
With a population of around 32,000, Bad Nauheim is the second largest town in the Wetterau district of Hessen. The city lies north of Frankfurt am Main, on the eastern edge of the Taunus. Bad Nauheim offers different possibilities from enjoying the nature in parks and nearby forest to visiting cultural events and sights and being very close to Frankurt with its big city life. We have compiled the most important and interesting options here.
Activities and sightseeing
- Fountain Courtyard (Sprudelhof) ►More Info
- Historic Spa Gardens (Kurpark)► More Info
- Castle Gate (Burgpforte) ► More Info
- Bad Nauheims Downtown (Stadtzentrum) ► More Info
- Rose Garden (Rosengarten) ► More Info
- Drinking Cure Facility (Trinkkuranlage) ► More Info
- Graduation Building (Gradierbau I) ► More Info
- Health Garden ► More Info
- Schwalheimer Water Wheel (Schwalheimer Rad) ► More Info
- Sculpture Park (Skulpturenpark) ► More Info
- Geological Garden (Geologischer Lehrgarten)
- Historic Railway (Museumseisenbahn)
- Usa Swimming Pool (Usa-Wellenbad) ► More Info (only available in German)
- Old Town Hall (altes Rathaus)
- City Library (Stadtbücherrei) ► More Info
- ICE Stadium (Eisstadion)
- Rose Museum (Rosenmuseum)
- Roman Signal Tower (römischer Signalturm)
- Art Nouveau Theatre (Jugendstil-Theater)
- Observatory (Sternwarte)
- Planetary Hiking Trail (Planetenwanderung)
- Amber Museum (Bernsteinmuseum)
- Russian Iconostase (russische Ikonostase)
- Walk of Fame
Elvis Presley
Elvis Aaron Presley (born 8 January 1935 in Tuperlo, Mississippi; died 16 August 1977 in Memphis, Tennessee) was an American singer, musician and actor. He is considered one of the most important representatives of 20th century rock and pop culture and the world's most successful solo artist, having probably sold over one billion records. Elvis is often referred to as the "King of Rock‘n‘Roll" or simply "The King".
Elvis left lasting traces in Bad Nauheim that his fans still follow today
- Gaststätte Sportheim, Hauptstraße 102 (heute Second-hand-Kaufhaus): On 19.12.1959 Elvis visited the Christmas party of his battalion.
- Bäckerei Stark / Café „Bienenkorb“, Hauptstraße 3: Here the chocolate cake for his 24th birthday was baked.
- Radio Gries & Frisiersalon Jean Hemer, Kurstraße 11 (heute Café Bar Phono): Here Elvis acquired records and a guitar case.
- Hairdresser Hemer was responsible for Elvis‘ hair cut.
- Restaurant Pfälzer Hof, Hauptstraße 46: Elvis was invited there on 23.01.1959 by the German-American Society.
- Zigarrenhaus Krieger, Parkstraße 10: This shop supplied Elvis with his beloved Tiparillos.
- Musikhaus Arendt, Reinhardstraße 8 (heute TeeSeiden-mond): Here Elvis bought a tape recorder TK32, an Elac-record player and records.
When the “King of Rock‘n‘Roll” began his military service in Germany on October 1st, 1958, Bad Nauheim became his new “European Home”. Walk in the footsteps of the King! A tour guide will show you the places where Elvis stayed and tells you lots of exciting anecdotes.
Since 2002, the annual “European Elvis Festival” takes place in Bad Nauheim around the day of his death on august 16th. Guests from all over the world passionately celebrate their legendary superstar with renowned bands, movies, exhibitions and vintage car parades.
The Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research has had a cooperation with FITSEVENELEVEN since September 2021. Through this, employees and their family members and life partners benefit from special conditions.
Kite Festival
The kite festival is always held on the second Sunday in October from 11:00 to 17:00 and has become an attraction for young and old. Thousands of visitors come every year to the meadows in the Talaue between Bad Nauheim and Friedberg to fly their kites or just to admire other kites.
Registration is not required. Admission is free.
Public library Bad Nauheim
Housed in a building built in 1901 in the style of the founders, the public library of Bad Nauheim offers, in addition to the approximately 30,000 media on site and the Onleihe, also cozy sitting areas, a beverage machine, events for young and old and much more.
In addition to a wide selection of books, TONIES for children, game consoles (Switch, Playstation,Nintendo) and audio books can be borrowed there.
Visitior card
The Bad Nauheim visitor card offers a wide range of discounts and free entries to cultural events, health and nature facilities. By buying the visitor card you make an important contribution to the service and maintenance of the spa facilities in Bad Nauheim.
Family special: Single parents and parents with their children under the age of 18 benefit from the discounts of the daily or annual family card.
Like a day at the seaside
The health garden, the Kneipp water basin, a bare foot path and interactive stations at graduation building II (no. 4) activate all your senses. Admission free.
In the south park (no. 15) a spacious water playground at the graduation building III invites children to play and explore. The benches provide relaxation. Admission free.
You can buy the daily and annual visitor cards at the graduation building I or in the Tourist Information, In den Kolonnaden 1. As overnight guest you receive your personal visitor card on your arrival.
- 1-day visitor card 3,30 €
- 1-day family card 6,60 €
- Annual card (inhabitants) 40,00 €
- Annual card (visitors) 80,00 €
- Annual family card 80,00 €
Tourist information
The tourist information (next to the old building) can help you with further questions.
In den Kolonnaden 1
61231 Bad Nauheim
Tel: +49 (0) 6032 92992-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6032 92992-7
Mail: info@bad-nauheim.de
Website: www.bad-nauheim.de
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.