Former Group Members
Dr. Maria Weiss now works at the University of Giessen
Dr. Ina Klockner now works at a Postdoc at the University of North Carolina
Dr. Melissa Valussi now works at the University of Marburg
Dr. Christian Schutt moved to AstraZeneca, Göteborg
Sylvia Thomas (TA) now works as a teacher
Dr. Stas Wüst joined the Kadener Lab at Brandeis University
Dr. Johannes Besser moved to Pharmalex now works at Biontech
Dr. Katharina Wystub-Lis now works at Alcedis
Dr. Judith Schweisgut now works in R&D of CSL Behring, Marburg
Dr. Nicole Gröger now works at the University of Magdeburg
Dr. Angela Bachmann now Dr. Angela Rasche works at the IT service of the State of Hessen
Dr. Henning Frank now Dr. Henning Fröhlich, works as a Scientist at the University of Heidelberg
Ulrike Neckmann (TA) moved to study at Norwegian University of Science and Technology and now works at the German Cancer Consortium in Dresden