
Li X, Wu F, Günther S, Looso M, Kuenne C, Zhang T, Klatt S, Zukunft S, Fleming I, Poschet G, Wietelmann A, Atzberger A, Potente M, Yuan X* and Braun T*.  (2023) Inhibition of fatty acid oxidation stimulates KDM5-mediated H3K4me3 demethylation and enables heart regeneration in adult mice. Nature, in press. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06585-5.*Co-corresponding author

Yuan X* & Thomas Braun*. (2023) Amending the injured heart by in vivo reprogramming. (2023)  Curr Opin Genet Dev. 82:102098. doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2023.102098. *Co-corresponding author

Wu F, Li X, Looso M, Liu H, Ding D, Günther S, Kuenne C, Liu S, Weissmann N, Böttger T, Atzberger A, Kolahian S, Renz H, Offermanns S, Gärtner U, Potente M, Zhou Y, Yuan X* and Thomas Braun*. (2022) Spurious transcription causing innate immune responses is prevented by 5hmC. Nat Genet 55:100-111. doi: 10.1038/s41588-022-01252-3. *Co-corresponding author

Zhang T, Künne C, Ding D, Günther S, Guo X, Zhou Y, Yuan X*, Braun T*. (2022) Replication collisions induced by de-repressed S-phase transcription are connected with malignant transformation of adult stem cells. Nat Commun 13:6907. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-34577-y. *Co-corresponding author

Georgieva A, Bober E, Smolka C, Zhou Y, Yuan X*, Braun T* (2022). Inactivation of Sirt6 ameliorates muscular dystrophy in mdx mice by releasing suppression of utrophin expression. Nat Commun 13:4184. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31798-z. *Co-corresponding author

Garcia-Gonzalez C, Dieterich C, Maroli G, Wiesnet M, Wietelmann A, Li X, Yuan X, Graumann J, Stellos K, Kubin T, Schneider A, Braun T. (2022)  ADAR1 prevents autoinflammatory processes in the heart mediated by IRF7. Circ Res 101161

Qi H, Liu H, Pullamsetti S, Günther S, Kuenne C, Atzberger A, Sommer N, Hadzic S, Günther A, Weissmann N, Zhou Y, Yuan X*, Braun T* (2021). Epigenetic regulation by Suv4-20h1 in cardiopulmonary progenitor cells is required to prevent pulmonary hypertension and COPD. Circulation 144:1042-1058. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.051680. *Co-corresponding author

Gao R, Liang X, Cheedipudi S, Cordero J, Jiang X,  Zhang Q, Caputo L, Günther S, Kuenne C, Ren Bhattacharya S, Yuan X., Barreto G, Chen Y, Braun T, Evans S, Sun Y and Dobreva G. (2019). Pioneering function of Isl1 in epigenetic control of cardiomyocyte cell fate. Cell research 29: 486-501

Jia, G., Preussner, J., Guenther, S., Yuan, X., Yekelchyk, M., Kuenne, C., Looso, M, Zhou, Y. and Braun, T. (2018). Single cell RNA-seq and ATAC-seq indicate critical roles of Isl1 and Nkx2-5 for cardiac progenitor cell transition states and lineage settlement. Nat Commun 9, 4877. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07307-6

Ianni A, Yuan X, Bober E, Braun T. Sirtuins in the Cardiovascular System: Potential Targets in Pediatric Cardiology. Pediatr Cardiol. (2018) Jun;39 (5):983-992

Yuan X, Braun T. Multimodal regulation of cardiomyocyte proliferation (2017). Circ Res 121:293-309, 2017. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.308428

Yuan X*., Qi, H., Fang, J., Bober, E., Dobreva, G., Zhou, Y., Braun, T*. (2017). Disruption of spatiotemporal hypoxic signaling causes congenital heart disease via epigenetic changes. J of Clin Invest 127:2235-2248, doi: 10.1172/JCI88725. *: co-responding author

Boonsanay V., Zhang T., Georgieva A., Kostin S., Qi H., Yuan X., Zhou Y*. and Braun T*. (2016) Regulation of skeletal muscle stem cell quiescence by Suv4-20h1 dependent facultative heterochromatin formation. Cell Stem Cell, 18: 229-242

Zhang, T., Braun, T. and Zhou, Y.  (2015) Prmt5 differentiates developmental vs regenerative myogenesis. Oncotarget, 6:35153-35154

Kuenne, C.*,Guenther, S.*, Looso, M.*, Zhang, T. Krueger, M.,  Zhou, Y., Braun, T. and Kim, J. (2015) “RNA-Seq analysis of isolated satellite cells in Prmt5 deficient mice”, Genomics Data

Zhang, T., Günther, S., Looso, M., Künne, C., Krüger, M., Kim, J.*, Zhou, Y.* and Braun, T.* (2015) Prmt5 is a crucial regulator of muscle stem cell expansion in adult mice. Nat. Communications 10.1038/ncomms8140. (Corresponding author)

Yuan X., Braun T. (2013) An unexpected switch: regulation of cardiomyocyte proliferation by the homeobox gene meis1. Circ Res. 113, 245-248

Luo M, Ling T, Xie W, Sun H, Zhou Y, Zhu Q, Shen M, Zong L, Lyu G, Zhao Y, Ye T, Gu J, Tao W, Lu Z and Grummt I. (2013) NuRD Blocks reprogramming of mouse somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells. 31, 1278-1286

Boonsanay V., Kim J., Braun T.* and Zhou Y.* (2013) The emerging role of epigenetic modifiers linking cellular metabolism to gene activity in cardiac progenitor cells. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. 22(3), 77-81. *Corresponding author

Xie W*, Ling T*, Zhou Y*, Feng W, Zhu Q, Stunnenberg H, Grummt I and Tao W. (2012). The chromatin remodeling complex NuRD establishes the poised state of rRNA genes characterized by bivalent histone modifications and altered nucleosome positions. PNAS 109, 8161-8166. *Equal contribution

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Zhou, Y., Santoro, R. and Grummt, I. (2002) The nucleolar chromatin remodeling complex targets HDAC1 to ribosomal gene and represses pol I transcription, Embo J., 21:4632-4640


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