Curriculum Vitae

Since 2009: 

Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Heart and Lung Research,
Bad Nauheim; Dept. of Pharmacology

2008 - 2009

Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck-Institute for Heart and Lung Research,
Bad Nauheim in the group of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schaper

2004 – 2009

Doctoral thesis, Max-Planck-Institute for Heart and Lung Research,
Bad Nauheim in the group of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schaper

1995 – 2003

Laboratory engineer, Max-Planck-Institute for physiological and clinical research,
Bad Nauheim in the group of Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Vosberg

1991 -1995

Studies in Biotechnology, University of Applied Science, Giessen
Diploma thesis, Institute of Legal Medicine, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen


Scientific Interest

In the research area “arteriogenesis”, the work of the former Department of Experimental Cardiology (Prof. W. Schaper) is continued. Based on the concept of arteriogenesis and the molecular and cellular mechanisms established at the institute in the past, new key proteins involved in arteriogenesis are defined, and their functions are analyzed in various animal models of arteriogenesis, including constitutive and conditional mouse mutants.


Publication List (2008 – 2010)

  • Troidl C, Nef H, Voss S, Schilp A, Kostin S, Troidl K, Szardien S, Rolf A, Schmitz-Rixen T, Schaper W, Hamm CW, Elsässer A, Möllmann H. Calcium-dependent signalling is essential during collateral growth in the pig hind limb-ischemia model. J Mol Cell Cardiol. (2010) Jul;49(1):142-51.
  • Sayed A, Schierling W, Troidl K, Rüding I, Nelson K, Apfelbeck H, Benli I, Schaper W, Schmitz-Rixen T. Exercise linked to transient increase in expression and activity of cation channels in newly formed hind-limb collaterals. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. (2010) Jul;40(1):81-7.
  • Troidl K, Rüding I, CaiWJ, Mücke Y, Grossekettler L, Piotrowska I, Schierling W, VolgerOL, Horrevoets AJ, Schmitz-RixenT, Schaper W, Troidl C. Actin-binding Rho activating protein (Abra) is essential for fluid shear stress-induced arteriogenesis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2009 Dec;29(12):2093-101
  • Troidl K, Tribulova S, Cai WJ, Eitenmüller I, Wustrack H, Schierling W, Troidl C, Schaper W. Effects of endogenous NO and of DETA NONOate in Arteriogenesis. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2009 Nov 20. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Troidl C, Möllmann H, Nef H, Masseli F, Voss S, Szardien S, Willmer M, Rolf A, Rixe J, Troidl K, Kostin S, Hamm C, Elsässer A. Classically and alternatively activated macrophages contribute to tissue remodelling after myocardial infarction. J Cell Mol Med. 2009 Feb 17. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Schierling W, Troidl K, Mueller C, Troidl C, Wustrack H, Bachmann G, Kasprzak PM, Schaper W, Schmitz-Rixen T.Increased intravascular flow rate triggers cerebral arteriogenesis. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. (2009) Apr;29(4):726-37
  • Wustrack H, Schierling W, Troidl K, Troidl C, Schaper W, Schmitz-Rixen T. Stimulierung des Wachstums peripherer und zerebraler Kollateralarterien zur Erhöhung der intravasalen Flussrate im Tiermodell. Gefäßchirurgie (2009) Jan. 23 (14): 24-30
  • Schierling W, Troidl K, Troidl C, Schmitz-Rixen T, Schaper W, Eitenmüller IK.The Role of Angiogenic Growth Factors in Arteriogenesis. J Vasc Res. (2009) Jan 10;46(4):365-374
  • Troidl C, Troidl K, Schierling W, Cai WJ, Nef H, Möllmann H, Kostin S, Hammer L, Elsässer A, Schmitz-Rixen T, Schaper W.Trpv4 induces collateral vessel growth during regeneration of the arterial circulation. J Cell Mol Med. (2008); 13:2613-2621


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